Monday 22 February 2016

Exclusive Breast milk, Breast milk Is it? And What Are The Benefits Breast milk?

Exclusive Breast milk is the provision of Breast milk alone without the addition of other foods in infants aged zero to six months is Breast milk exclusively or giving Breast milk exclusively is babies given only breast milk alone, without the addition of other liquids such as milk formula, orange, honey, water the, water, and no solid foods such as bananas, papaya, milk porridge, biscuits and rice porridge.

Exclusive Breast milk, Breast milk Is it? And What Are The Benefits Breast milk?

Giving Breast milk exclusively is recommended for a period of at least 4 months, but if possible up to 6 months. After a 6 month old baby, he should be introduced to solid foods, while breastfeeding can be given until the baby is 2 years old.

Types of Breast milk

1. Colostrum

Viscous liquid yellowish generated on the first day until the 3rd day. Colostrum can be regarded as an "immunization" received first baby because it contains a lot of protein to power the body that serves as a germ killer in high quantities. Levels are 17 times as compared to mature breast milk.

2. Milk Transition

Milk production after colostrum between day 4 until day 10. In this transition milk contained immunoglobulin, protein and lactose with lower concentrations of colostrum but the concentration of fat and a higher amount of calories, reduced fat-soluble vitamins, water soluble vitamins increases. Shape or color is whiter than milk colostrum.

3. Milk Matur

Mature milk is milk that came out after the 10th day. Creamy white. The composition of breast milk out on the puff-puff first (foremilk) contains fat and carbohydrate is more than hindmilk (Breast milkyang out the puff-puff past), then do not be too quick to move the baby to suckle on the other breast, when Breast milk in the breast was sucking has not been exhausted.

4. Exclusive Benefits of Breast Milk for Baby
  • Breast milk is the best food for babies that are easily digested and absorbed, always clean, fresh and safe.
  • Breast milk enhance infant growth so as to make smart and healthy baby.
  • Breast milk provides protection against various diseases, especially infectious.
  • Beautify the skin and teeth and jaw shape.
  • Breast milk is always available at the right temperature so it will not disappoint the baby having to wait or the temperature is not right.
  • Breastfed babies rarely have diarrhea, not constipation and is rarely affected by allergies.
  • Breast milk composition and volume sufficient for the growth and development of infants up to 6 months.
  • The digestive system of infants up to 6 months to digest food rudimentary Breast milk aside. Breast milk alone is easily digested because it contains enzymes.
  • No weight infants kidney function. Excretory system newborns up to age 6 months is not perfect, so that when fed with a high osmolarity (such as formula milk or fruit) would burden the kidney function.
  • The provision of food or drink other than before 4-6 months Breast milk will indirectly reduce the production Breast milk because the baby to suckle frequency is reduced because it was full.
How to Achieve exclusive Breast Milk

WHO and UNICEF recommend the following steps to get started and achieve exclusive breastfeeding,

  • Breastfeeding within one hour after birth
  • Exclusive breastfeeding: Breast Milk only. That is, plus other food or drink, not even water though.
  • Breastfeeding whenever the baby asks (on-demand), as often as the baby wants, day and night.
  • Do not use milk bottles or pacifiers.
  • Breast Milk issued by pumping or milking by hand, while not with the children.
  • Controlling emotions and mind to be calm.

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