Monday 22 February 2016

5 Tips for Overcoming Baby High Fever

Welcoming a new baby is born in your house can be a very pleasant thing, but often stressful for parents who have just had a baby in the house.

For a time perhaps understandable, given that newborns do not come with instruction manuals or instructions, as well as the baby as an adult, a little baby you are ill will need special care from you especially baby high fever, really need affection from the people old.

5 Tips for Overcoming Baby High Fever

Baby high fever can be a sign among the most frightening for parents, especially when the baby fever baby is still not yet a week old. Sometimes parents are not accustomed to going to panic.

In this article, you will learn what cause high fever in infants as well as what needs to be done when your baby has a fever.

Any trigger high fever baby?

Fever in babies it is not just a disease but it is a sign of the other infant diseases can arise. Generally, if your baby experience fever, it means your baby smengalami flu virus infection or another. Baby high fever that signal a bacterial infection such as urinary tract infections or more serious infections such as meningitis.

Other triggers include a high fever baby:
  • The baby's reaction to the vaccination
  • baby high fever due to wear clothing that is too tight / warm
  • or spend a lot of time outdoors when the temperature is hot
  • Common signs of high fever baby
One of the common signals of fever in infants across the forehead warm, though not experienced a warm forehead does not mean that your baby does not have a high fever. You must be vigilant.

Some of the other symptoms associated with high fever in infants include:

  • babies do not sleep soundly
  • decreased appetite
  • lack of interest in play
  • baby is very lethargic
  • convulsive seizures baby
How do I check on my baby's body temperature?

You can take your baby's temperature in ways that are not the same, such as through the rectum (anus), mouth, ears, under the arms or armpits. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reference digital thermometer used only in infants and children. Mercury thermometers can not be used because of the risk of exposure to mercury and lead poisoning.

Rectal thermometer gives the most accurate temperature readings, and can be easy to take the temperature in the baby's mouth fever. Generally, the baby can not hold the thermometer in the mouth / oral site, as well as the reading of a thermometer ear or armpit that is not accurate.

To take a rectal temperature, first make sure your thermometer is clean. Clean with soap and water or clean with alcohol. Lay your baby on your stomach with your legs slightly bent. Give a little petroleum jelly around the thermometer bulb and gently insert the thermometer one inch into your baby's anus. Hold the digital rectal thermometer approximately less than two minutes until you hear the "beep. "Then gently and carefully take the thermometer.

However, you also need to know how tall your child's fever, if you are unable to solve the baby high fever or even worse, you should immediately contact your doctor to get help faster.

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