Friday 19 February 2016

5 Tips for Healthy Eyes

The eyes are the window to the world. With her eyes, a wide range of our activities can be done more easily. Therefore, maintaining eye health should be our main priorits. Moreover, if we are often working with digital screen in a long time. Practice a few tips below to always maintain the health of your eyes!

5 Tips for Healthy Eyes

1. Often working with computers? 
Often see digital screen in a long time?

Often working in front of a digital screen can make your eyes get tired and dry. Well, to work around this you can do the 20-20-20 rule agreed upon by experts as a way to keep the eyes are not too 'tortured'. In these rules, every 20 (twenty) minutes, istirahatkanlah your eyes from the computer screen with a view to the outdoors or a distance as far as 6 meters (20 feet) for 20 seconds.

Use embezzlers and adjust the screen brightness digital screen so that your eyes are not overly burdensome.

2. Take care of your contact lenses.

Keep your contact lenses, wash your hands and always look when installing or hold the contact lenses and do not wear contact lenses while sleeping. Use liquid contact lenses according to the note the expiry date of fluids and contact your lens.

3. Look carefully at your eye makeup.

You should not use eye makeup that are older than three months, especially in the form of liquid or cream such as mascara. Pay attention to your eye makeup tool, Always use eye makeup in a clean and wash again eye makeup carefully before bed.

4. Use protective eye goggles.

If you work with chemicals, small particles or tools that harm the eyes then you should use protective eyewear and meminimalisirkan eyes to avoid the dangers that can be caused by your work.

5. Healthy food for the eyes.

Eye health also diperngaruhi by food intake and food consumed also affects the nerve cells and blood vessels of the eye to the foods that are good for the health of blood flow can also be consumed as fruits, dark green vegetables and wheat.

Foods high in Zinc content such as nuts, lean red meat, poultry can protect the eyes from damage from light. Vitamin A helps cells sight.

If not yourself, who else is going to maintain the health of your own eyes?

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