Saturday 20 February 2016

7 Food & Beverage Abstinence breast Cancer

Besides Aware of Breast Cancer Symptoms, There are Some Food and Drinks Be Abstinence for Breast Cancer Tumor Nor. because the type of kind of food and drink can make cancer cells spread and grow so that breast cancer will be more Severe. Here Abstinence Breast Cancer

7 Food & Beverage Abstinence breast Cancer

As for the type Abstinence Food and Drink Breast Cancer you need to avoid are as follows: See Also Click How Breast Cancer Treatment

1. Vegetables

  • Bean sprouts contain substances that promote the growth of cancer cells.
  • Chicory and watercress reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
  • Chili simulates the activity of the unconscious thus decreasing the amount of oxygen in the body.

2. Fruits

  • Jackfruit and longan fruit, this fruit contains a substance growing cancer cells.
  • Durian, Duku, pineapple, and grapes to produce alcohol, which stimulates the growth of cancer cells.
  • Soft drinks or soft drinks are a carcinogen.
  • Ice or cold drinks disrupt the smooth circulation of blood.
  • Alcohol stimulates the activity of the unconscious so that the amount of oxygen in the body decreases.

3. Meat and Salted Fish

  • Meat (beef, buffalo, goats, and pigs) facilitate the growth of abnormal cells.
  • The salted fish is processed from fresh material does not decompose so that it becomes an inviting allergen ingredients the body's immune reaction. As a result, the body will feel chills, itching, and swelling. Meanwhile, for people with cancer will be a reaction and throbbing pain arises in parts of the body affected by cancer. Furthermore, because there is interference permeability (water absorption) of body tissue, the wound surface will look wet, mushy, and sometimes bleeding.

4. Foods Preserved

  • Food preservation contains chemical compounds that can be turned into karsinogenaktif.
  • The food was burnt, charred or scorched parts that contain carcinogens.

5. Sea food
Shrimp, scallops, crab, squid contain a high fat content. Patients with cancer or tumors should reduce foods high in fat because it can stimulate the growth of cancer cells.

6. Poultry
Usually to spur the growth of livestock or poultry used chemical drugs including hormones are injected into the animal's body weight of livestock or poultry so rapidly increasing. Injections of hormones given to cattle similar to anabolic hormones in humans. This hormone thought to trigger cancer and cancer of the prostate gland.

7. Fruits
Durian, jackfruit, litchi, pineapple, duku wine when very ripe contain alcohol which can trigger the growth of cancer cells.

That 7 Food and Drink Breast Cancer Precepts that you always be alert in their daily lives. So we hope the information on what we share very useful for you. Salam Healthy with Herbal medicine or traditional.

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